WALLABY Executive team

Principal Investigators

  • Barbara Catinella (ICRAR / UWA)
  • Lister Staveley-Smith (ICRAR / UWA)

Project Scientist

  • Karen Lee-Waddell (ICRAR / UWA and CSIRO)

Project Manager

  • Tobias Westmeier (ICRAR / UWA)

Advisory Commitee

  • Matthew Colless (ANU)
  • Mary Putman (Columbia University)
  • Kristine Spekkens (RMCC / Queen’s University)

WALLABY team members

List of WALLABY team members as of 24 March 2025. Student members are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Allison, James (University of Oxford)
  2. Arora, Nikhil (Queen’s University)
  3. Ascasibar, Yago (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  4. Baek, Junhyun (Yonsei University)
  5. Bagla, Jasjeet Singh (IISER Mohali, India)
  6. Batten, Genevieve (RMIT university)*
  7. Battisti, Andrew (Australian National University)
  8. Bekki, Kenji (ICRAR/UWA)
  9. Bharti, Sauraj (Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Mohali)*
  10. Bigiel, Frank (University of Bonn)
  11. Blake, Chris (Swinburne University)
  12. Blyth, Sarah (University of Cape Town)
  13. Borthakur, Sanchayeeta (Arizona State University)
  14. Boselli, Alessandro (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille)
  15. Bosma, Albert (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille)
  16. Bottrell, Connor (ICRAR/UWA)
  17. Boubel, Paula (The Australian National University)*
  18. Brough, Sarah (UNSW)
  19. Brown, Michael (Monash University)
  20. Brown, Toby (McMaster University)
  21. Carignan, Claude (University of Cape Town)
  22. Carollo, Daniela (INAF – Astronomical Observatory of Trieste)
  23. Catinella, Barbara (ICRAR/UWA)
  24. Chung, Aeree (Yonsei University)
  25. Cluver, Michelle (Swinburne University)
  26. Colless, Matthew (ANU)
  27. Corbelli, Edvige (INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
  28. Cortese, Luca (ICRAR/UWA)
  29. Courtois, Hélène (University of Lyon)
  30. Crain, Robert (Liverpool John Moores University)
  31. Croom, Scott (University of Sydney)
  32. Croton, Darren (Swinburne University)
  33. da Cunha, Elisabete (ICRAR/UWA)
  34. Damas Segovia, Ancor (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  35. Darling, Jeremy (University of Colorado, Boulder)
  36. Davis, Tamara (University of Queensland)
  37. Dawson, Joanne (Macquarie University)
  38. de Blok, Erwin (ASTRON)
  39. Deg, Nathan (CIRADA/Queen’s University)
  40. Delhaize, Jacinta (University of Cape Town)
  41. Dénes, Helga (ASTRON)
  42. Di Teodoro, Enrico (Australian National University)
  43. Dickey, John (University of Tasmania)
  44. Driver, Simon (ICRAR/UWA)
  45. Dudley, Rebecca (Queen’s University)*
  46. Duffy, Alan R. (Swinburne University)
  47. Dunne, Loretta (Cardiff University)
  48. Dupuy, Alexandra (Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis, Lyon, France)
  49. Eales, Stephen (Cardiff University)
  50. Edge, Alastair (Durham University)
  51. Eldaly, Rasha (National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics)
  52. English, Jayanne (University of Manitoba)
  53. Fisher, Deanne (Swinburne University)
  54. Fluke, Christopher (Swinburne University)
  55. For, Bi-Qing (ICRAR/UWA)
  56. Forbes, Duncan (Swinburne University)
  57. Ford, Alyson (University of Arizona)
  58. Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia (ICRAR/UWA)
  59. Frenk, Carlos (Durham University)
  60. Gaensler, Bryan (University of Toronto)
  61. Garrido-Sánchez, Julián (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  62. Gibson, Steven (Western Kentucky University)
  63. Glazebrook, Karl (Swinburne University)
  64. Glowacki, Marcin (ICRAR Curtin)
  65. Grossi, Marco (Observatório do Valongo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
  66. Groves, Brent (ICRAR/UWA, ANU)
  67. Grundy, Joe (CIRA/CSIRO)*
  68. Guimarães-Silva, Rayssa (Observatório do Valongo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)*
  69. Halloran, Rebecca (Queens University)*
  70. Heald, George (CSIRO)
  71. Henning, Patricia (University of New Mexico)
  72. Hess, Kelley (ASTRON / University of Groningen)
  73. Holwerda, Benne Willem (University of Louisville)
  74. Hong, Tao (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  75. Hopkins, Andrew (Macquarie University)
  76. Howlett, Cullan (University of Queensland)
  77. Huang, Qifeng (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University)
  78. Hutchens, Zackary (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)*
  79. Ianjamasimanana, Roger (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC))
  80. Iodice, Enrichetta (INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte)
  81. Joncas, Gilles (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
  82. Jones, Michael (University of Arizona)
  83. Jones, Heath (University of Newcastle)
  84. Józsa, Gyula I. G. (SARAO)
  85. Jurek, Russell John (University of Queensland)
  86. Jütte, Eva (Astronomical Institute of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
  87. Kamphuis, Peter (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
  88. Kannappan, Sheila (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
  89. Karachentsev, Igor (Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences)
  90. Kartha, Sreeja (Christ University, Bangalore, India)
  91. Karunakaran, Ananthan (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  92. Kaur, Manreet (Australian National University)*
  93. Kerp, Jürgen (University of Bonn)
  94. Kilborn, Virginia (Swinburne University)
  95. Kim, Shinna (ICRAR/UWA)*
  96. Kim, Minsu (Sejong University)*
  97. Kleiner, Dane (INAF – Osservatario Astronomico di Cagliari )
  98. Koribalski, Bärbel (CSIRO)
  99. Kraan-Korteweg, Renée C. (University of Cape Town)
  100. Krishna R, Akhil (Christ University, Bangalore, India)*
  101. Lacey, Cedric (Durham University)
  102. Lagos, Claudia (ICRAR/UWA)
  103. Lah, Philip (Australian National University)
  104. Leahy, Denis (University of Calgary)
  105. Lebron, Mayra (University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus)
  106. Lee, Bumhyun (Yonsei University)
  107. Lee, Seona (ICRAR/UWA)*
  108. Lee-Waddell, Karen (CSIRO)
  109. Lelli, Federico (European Southern Observatory)
  110. Leslie, Sarah (Leiden Observatory)
  111. Libeskind, Noam (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics)
  112. Lin, Xuchen (Peking University)*
  113. López-Sánchez, Ángel (Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University)
  114. Ludlow, Aaron (ICRAR/UWA)
  115. Lutz, Katharina A. (CDS, CNRS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)
  116. Ma, Yin-Zhe (Stellenbosch University)
  117. Madrid, Juan (CSIRO)
  118. Makarov, Dmitry (Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  119. Mancera Piña, Pavel E. (Leiden Observatory)
  120. McClure-Griffiths, Naomi (Australian National University)
  121. McDermid, Richard (Macquarie University)
  122. McQuinn, Kristen (Rutgers University)
  123. Mendoza Pérez, Maria Angeles (IAA-CSIC)
  124. Meurer, Gerhardt (ICRAR/UWA)
  125. Meyer, Martin (ICRAR/UWA)
  126. Morganti, Raffaella (ASTRON / University of Groningen )
  127. Mould, Jeremy (Swinburne University)
  128. Murphy, Tara (University of Sydney)
  129. Murugeshan, Chandrashekar (Swinburne University)
  130. Nakanishi, Hiroyuki (Kagoshima University)
  131. Namumba, Brenda (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  132. Norris, Ray (WSU/CSIRO)
  133. O’Beirne, Tamsyn (Swinburne University)*
  134. Obreschkow, Danail (ICRAR/UWA)
  135. Oh, Se-Heon (Sejong University)
  136. Oman, Kyle (Durham University)
  137. Oosterloo, Tom (ASTRON)
  138. Palleske, Reanna Lorraine (Royal Military College of Canada)*
  139. Park, Hye Jin (Australian National University)*
  140. Parkinson, David (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
  141. Parra-Royón, Manuel (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), Granada, Spain)
  142. Perron-Cormier, Mathieu (Queen’s University)*
  143. Pingel, Nickolas (Australian National University)
  144. Pomarède, Daniel (CEA Université Paris-Saclay)
  145. Pommier, Mamta (Paris Observatory)
  146. Power, Chris (ICRAR/UWA)
  147. Putman, Mary (Columbia University)
  148. Qin, Fei (Aix-Marseille University)
  149. Rahman, Faisal (University of Karachi)*
  150. Randriamampandry, Toky (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University)
  151. Rhee, George (University of Nevada Las Vegas)
  152. Rhee, Jonghwan (ICRAR/UWA)
  153. Roberts, Hayley (University of Colorado Boulder)*
  154. Robotham, Aaron (ICRAR/UWA)
  155. Román, Javier (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  156. Roychowdhury, Sambit (ICRAR/UWA)
  157. Ryan-Weber, Emma (Swinburne University)
  158. Ryder, Stuart (Macquarie University)
  159. Sadler, Elaine (University of Sydney / CSIRO)
  160. Said, Khaled (The University of Queensland)
  161. Saifollahi, Teymoor (Observatory of Strasbourg / CNES)
  162. Sánchez Expósito, Susana (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  163. Saraf, Manasvee (ICRAR/UWA, CSIRO)*
  164. Schröder, Anja Carola (SAAO)
  165. Scott, Thomas Charles (Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, Porto, Portugal)
  166. Sengupta, Chandreyee (Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  167. Serra, Paolo (INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari)
  168. Shao, Li (National Astronomical Observatories of China)
  169. Shen, Austin (CSIRO)
  170. Smith, Matthew (Cardiff University)
  171. Sorgho, Amidou (CSIC-IAA)
  172. Spekkens, Kristine (Royal Military College of Canada / Queen’s University)
  173. Spitler, Lee (Macquarie University)
  174. Staveley-Smith, Lister (ICRAR/UWA)
  175. Sweet, Sarah (The University of Queensland)
  176. Tang, Hongming (Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University)
  177. Taylor, Edward (Swinburne University)
  178. Tsai, Chao-Wei (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  179. Ungku Ibrahim, Ungku Ferwani Salwa (Universiti Malaya)
  180. van der Hulst, Thijs (University of Groningen)
  181. Verdes-Montenegro, Lourdes (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
  182. Verheijen, Marc (University of Groningen)
  183. Wakker, Bart (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  184. Wang, Jing (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University)
  185. Wang, Shun (Peking University)*
  186. Wang, Li (CSIRO)
  187. Westmeier, Tobias (ICRAR/UWA)
  188. Whiting, Matthew (CSIRO)
  189. Wicenec, Andreas (ICRAR/UWA)
  190. Wilcots, Eric (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  191. Winkel, Benjamin (Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie)
  192. Wolf, Christian (Australian National University)
  193. Wong, Ivy (ICRAR/UWA)
  194. Yoon, Hyein (The University of Sydney)
  195. Yu, Niankun (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  196. Zhang, Chuan-Peng (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC))
  197. Zheng, Yong (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  198. Zhu, Jingyao (Columbia University)*
  199. Zucker, Daniel (Macquarie University)
  200. Zuo, Pei (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University)
  201. Zwaan, Martin (European Southern Observatory)