The gallery below showcases images from the first public release of WALLABY data collected during phase 1 of the WALLABY pilot survey. Please click on the individual images for a higher-resolution version.
Image of a large portion of the sky in the direction of the Hydra galaxy cluster, showing the distribution of hydrogen gas in over 270 galaxies detected by WALLABY during phase 1 of the pilot survey. Credit: Tobias Westmeier/ICRAR.Image of a large portion of the sky in the direction of the NGC 4636 galaxy group, showing the distribution of hydrogen gas in almost 150 galaxies detected by WALLABY during phase 1 of the pilot survey. Credit: Tobias Westmeier/ICRAR.Image of a large portion of the sky in the direction of the Norma galaxy cluster, showing the distribution of hydrogen gas in almost 150 galaxies detected by WALLABY during phase 1 of the pilot survey. Credit: Tobias Westmeier/ICRAR.The polar ring galaxy NGC 4632, showing the distribution of hydrogen from WALLABY (left) compared to an optical image from the DESI Legacy Survey (right) on the same scale. Credit: Tobias Westmeier/ICRAR.The interacting galaxy pair NGC 4532 (top) and DDO 137 (bottom), showing the distribution of hydrogen from WALLABY (left) compared to an optical image from the DESI Legacy Survey (right) on the same scale. Credit: Tobias Westmeier/ICRAR.
WALLABY (Pre-)Pilot Science
The image gallery below highlights a few scientific results obtained by WALLABY team members during the pre-pilot and pilot phases of the survey. Please click on the images for a higher-resolution version.
HI column density contours (left) and HI spectrum (right) of a dark HI cloud overlaid on a deep optical image from the DECam Legacy Survey (Wong et al., 2021, MNRAS, 507, 2905). The bright optical source near the cloud is an intervening foreground star. Image credit: Ivy Wong.HI column density contours (left) and HI spectrum (right) of a dark HI cloud overlaid on a deep optical image from the DECam Legacy Survey (Wong et al., 2021, MNRAS, 507, 2905). The bright optical galaxy is a background object unrelated to the foreground HI cloud. Image credit: Ivy Wong.WALLABY-detected galaxies in the Hydra cluster (Wang et al., 2021, ApJ, 915, 70). The HI column density images are shown in different slices of velocity offset from the cluster center (∆vrad) around the X-ray halo of Hydra (grey-scale). The column density images are enlarged by a factor of 5 for clarity. Credit: Jing Wang.HI countours from WALLABY (blue) overlaid on a Pan-STARRS image (grey-scale) of ESO 501−G075 near the edge of the Hydra cluster (Reynolds et al., 2021, MNRAS, 505, 1891). The galaxy displays an HI tail directed away from the cluster centre. Credit: Tristan Reynolds.