
The Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY (or WALLABY) is one of a number of surveys that are now running on the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP), which is an innovative imaging radio telescope located in an extremely radio quiet zone (the Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory) in Western Australia. The aim of WALLABY is to use the powerful widefield phased-array technology of ASKAP to observe half of the Southern Hemisphere in the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen (or HI) at 30-arcsec resolution (with a simultaneous 10-arcsec zoom mode for previously-known galaxies), thereby detecting and imaging the gas distribution in hundreds of thousands of external galaxies in the local Universe. This will allow astronomers to gain a much improved understanding of the processes involved in galaxy formation and evolution, and the role of stellar and black hole feedback, gas accretion and galaxy interactions in these processes. WALLABY has concluded two Pilot Survey phases and has imaged nearly 400 square degree of sky around nearby galaxy clusters with the full ASKAP-36 array, as well as a number of early science fields with smaller numbers of antennas. Full WALLABY started in late-2022.

Latest News
Second Public Release of WALLABY Data

The WALLABY team is pleased to release the next batch of value-added data products from the WALLABY pilot survey to… Read More

WALLABY Newsletter 21 out now!

The August 2024 edition of the WALLABY team newsletter is available now! Check out our most recent activities by proceeding… Read More

WALLABY Newsletter 20 out now!

The February 2024 edition of the WALLABY team newsletter is available now! Check out our most recent activities by proceeding… Read More

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